Personal Development and Human Potential

In personal development, human potential is a perspective that focuses on the whole individual rather than concentrating on dysfunction. It stresses concepts such as free will, self-efficacy, and self-actualization and strives to help people fulfill their potential and advance their well-being.

Z. Hereford

human potential
human potential
How can we define personal development, and how does it relate to human potential?

Personal development is not measured by financial, social, or external success. Instead, it is determined by our efforts to develop our intellectual, physical, and spiritual aspects to reach our full human potential.

In the process of developing ourselves, we also strive to express our talents and abilities for the enrichment and benefit of others.

Unfortunately, today's instant gratification culture has an unhealthy trend towards 'get rich quick' (substitute thin, beautiful, fit, etc.) schemes gaining ground.

It implies that if you are rich enough, thin enough, or beautiful enough, you will be happy. Instead of encouraging legitimate personal growth and development, these schemes and false claims work against it.

I'm sure most of us have read or heard the woeful tales of lottery winners who attained massive fortunes only to be broke soon after their windfalls. We have also seen beautiful, rich, and influential entertainment stars end their unhappy lives despite their outward success.

The Lesson:

There are no "quick fixes" or shortcuts to personal development.

It is a deliberate, disciplined process achieved by reflection, introspection, and self-awareness.

Personal Development and The Human Potential Movement

The emphasis on personal development began to arise in the 1960s with the Human Potential Movement, which was rooted in existentialism and humanistic psychology.

Its purpose was to promote the idea that humans can experience an exceptional quality of life filled with happiness, creativity, and fulfillment when they strive to reach their potential.

Abraham Maslow, a humanistic psychologist, proposed that self-actualization (the fulfillment of self through reaching one's potential) is the highest expression of a human's life.

In his research, Maslow found that self-actualized people are creative and spontaneous, possess a good sense of humor, and can tolerate uncertainty.

Self-actualized people also have an appreciation for what life has to offer, a deep concern for others, and can enjoy close, meaningful, personal relationships.

He advocated a list of behaviors that he felt led to self-actualization.

These behaviors include:
  • Maintain the curiosity, attention, and wonder you had as a child.

  • Be open-minded and try new things.

  • Be honest and be willing to risk unpopularity if you disagree with others.

  • Use your intelligence and work hard at whatever you do.

  • Find out who you are, what you want, and what's important to you.

  • Don't be afraid to open yourself up to new experiences.

  • Take responsibility for your life and your actions.

Other prominent thinkers and proponents of humanistic psychology included Carl Rogers, Rollo May, and Erich Fromm.

They agreed that self-actualization, creativity, individuality, and related topics were central to this approach, highlighting individual responsibility.

Humanistic psychology emphasizes the importance of attending to and developing the "whole" person, or those aspects of ourselves that make us human - the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.

To be your "true self" means to be and take responsibility for it on all these levels.

Personal development is, therefore, the process of striving to be the best you can be to reach and realize your full potential. It is a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-realization.