Be True to Yourself
Being true to yourself means embracing your uniqueness, individuality, and the qualities that make you who you are. It means not needing validation or approval from others. Instead, you trust your own opinions, intuition, and judgment.
Z. Hereford

To be true to yourself means to act in accordance with who you are and what you believe.
If you know and love yourself, you will find it effortless to be true to yourself.
Just as you cannot love anyone else until you love yourself, you cannot be true to anyone else until you are true to yourself.
Begin by not being afraid to be who you are!
As difficult as it may seem at first, have the courage to accept yourself as you are, not as someone else thinks you should be. Do not take action or pretend to be someone else for the sake of gaining acceptance.
Many young people believe that they will be popular and well-liked when they do things to please their peers, such as drinking when they shouldn't or behaving and partying inappropriately. They go against the advice of their parents or their own common sense only to find themselves in trouble and not accomplishing what they hoped.
When you do things that are not genuine or a reflection of the real you, you will be both confused and unhappy with yourself.
You will be confused and unhappy because you won't know whom to please or how.
Self-respect comes from being true to the real you and acting in alignment with your fundamental nature.
When you respect yourself, others will respect you. They will sense that you are strong, confident, and capable of standing up for yourself and your beliefs.
When you are true to yourself, you allow your individuality and uniqueness to shine through. You respect the opinions of others but do not conform to stereotypes or the expectations of others.
Being true to yourself takes courage. It requires introspection, sincerity, open-mindedness, and fairness. It does not mean being inconsiderate or disrespectful of others. It means refusing to let others define you or make decisions you should make for yourself.
Be true to the very best of who you are and live life consistent with your highest values and aspirations.
Those who are successful in life dare to express their true selves with the wonderful side effect of broadening the perspective of others.
Tips On Being True to Yourself
Be who you are, be your genuine self
Follow your own value system and common sense
Listen to the advice of others, but make up your own mind
Recognize, appreciate, and develop your unique talents
Stand up for what you believe in, and you will gain respect
Know that being 'different' is a gift
Understand that you are enriching others by being yourself
Learn to trust your intuition, opinions and judgment
By staying true to yourself, you can deal with life's uncertainties with confidence and grace, secure in the knowledge that you are living a genuine life.