5 Ways to Boost Emotional Intelligence

There are several ways to boost Emotional Intelligence (EQ). The first step begins with self-awareness and then learning to listen to and empathize with others.

Z. Hereford

boost your EQ
boost your EQ

Indeed, you can boost your emotional intelligence!

As I write in my article: What is Emotional Intelligence and Why is it Important? according to

Dr. Mayer, who co-developed a four-branch model of it with Dr. Peter Salovey, emotional intelligence is:

"the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions."

Today, Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) is considered to be even more important than IQ (intelligence quotient).

This is true primarily because people with high EQ relate better to others, are more approachable, tend to be open-minded, and are, therefore, easier to work with - both in team environments and on an individual basis.

Several studies have also demonstrated that those with high EQ scores are more self-confident, trustworthy, and likable than those with low scores. They also make better leaders and generally perform better in the workplace.

A high Emotional Intelligence quotient contributes overall to increased productivity and success. Many companies give applicants EQ tests before hiring, while others have instituted EQ training programs.

Indeed, increasing or boosting one's Emotional Intelligence is beneficial!

The 5 Ways to Boost Emotional Intelligence

1. Become aware of and tune into your own emotions. One of the first and perhaps most important steps is to become more self-aware or develop the ability to tune into your emotions. Why? In order to control your emotions, you must first be aware of them. Some pointers for becoming self-aware include monitoring your emotions by acknowledging them, examining them, and assessing your triggers and activation points. (Note: Knowing yourself is an Essential Life Skill). Practicing mindfulness is also an excellent way to become more self-aware and monitor your emotions. By being aware of your own emotions, you can better understand and become aware of the emotions of others.

2. Seek to understand the points of view of others. Once you have a good appraisal of your own emotions, seek to understand and empathize with others. This point is particularly important in the workplace, on committees, or in a group setting where ideas flow and are exchanged. To do so, listen attentively, put yourself in another's place, and try to imagine their thoughts and feelings and how they may have arrived at their conclusions. You will not only have a broader viewpoint yourself; you will be stretching your perspective.

3. Communicate Effectively. Your ability to communicate effectively requires both verbal and non-verbal skills. As my article 4 Tips for Achieving Good Communications Skills explains, communication is more than exchanging information. Effective communication is about understanding emotions and the intentions behind the information exchanged. It is a mutual back and forth that includes conveying a message in the way it is intended and, in turn, making sure it is received as intended.

Non-verbal skills include engaged listening, making eye contact, and being aware of body language (not standing too close, gestures, facial expressions, etc.).

4. Develop connections with people. No matter how shy or introverted you think you are, learning to develop connections with others is a huge component of Emotional Intelligence. You can begin by listening, showing interest, and making others comfortable, even if you are shy. Doing so is sometimes easier for shy, introverted people than it is for gregarious extroverts who tend to enjoy speaking first. For both types, showing that you care and are interested in others goes far in building valuable connections.

5. Practice emotional management. Once you are aware of both your emotions and those of others, it is important to understand how to keep them balanced and in check. Some ways of practicing emotional management include:

✔ Stopping to take time to process and understand what is transpiring

✔ Diverting your attention until you are more composed - such as going for a walk, exercising, playing with a pet, breathing deeply

✔ Re-framing the experience, i.e., exploring a new, broader way of looking at the issue

✔ Looking at the big picture and determining how important the immediate emotion/reaction is to the overall issue

As you can see, you can begin to boost or improve your EQ in several ways. Doing so will not only enhance your opportunities for success in the workplace but also benefit you in your personal and professional relationships.

Ultimately, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) entails understanding yourself and others, effectively interacting with others, and then using those skills to strengthen your personal and professional relationships.