10 Positive Habits That Will Improve Your Day in Big Ways

These 10 little positive habits can be incorporated into your routine at whatever intervals are comfortable for you. Awareness of and regular practice of them will make each day more pleasant for you and everyone around you.

Z. Hereford

positive habits
positive habits

Practicing these 10 little positive habits could make the difference between an okay day and an upbeat, positive one!

Quite often, we get so caught up in day-to-day activities that we get distracted from thinking about how some may seem so simple and obvious that we don't even think of implementing them regularly. We don't realize that little habits, over time, can make a big difference in our lives!

For example, in his best-selling book Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, James Clear approaches the concept of small habits from a fresh, unique perspective.

He talks about the compounding nature of the long game. While most people look for the "big win," Clear points out how important small, compounded habits can make a huge difference.

He writes:

"Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. In the same way, money multiplies through compound interest; the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them. They seem to make little difference on any given day, yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. It is only when looking back two, five, or perhaps ten years later that the value of good habits and the cost of bad ones becomes strikingly apparent."

Here are 10 little positive habits you can easily incorporate into your routine:

1. Start the day with a positive mindset. Commit to facing the day and whatever it brings with a positive frame of mind upon awakening. Prepare for the fact that everything will probably not go smoothly or as planned, and be willing to handle any challenges that confront you (we know there will be some).

2. Practice Gratitude. Be grateful for and focus on the good things you have in your life. Many of us get in the habit of sweating the 'small stuff' and let it get in the way of appreciating the important things such as family, friends, good health, freedom, and the many opportunities we enjoy. When we get caught up in the small stuff, it downplays that we have much to be grateful for.

3. Learn something new. Make a conscious effort to keep your brain active and functioning optimally. Learn a new vocabulary word or new information as often as possible. It will keep you sharp and alert.

4. Have a good laugh. Read the comics or tell a joke to loosen things up. Laughter and an upbeat attitude help relieve stress, keep things light, and change your perspective from gloomy to cheerful.

5. Smile at someone. When you walk through the office, down the street, or are in a store, make it a point to smile at someone to acknowledge them. It will make you both feel good. We're usually so preoccupied and caught up in activity that we don't notice those around us.

6. Give a heartfelt compliment. If you notice that someone at school/work has a new hairdo or outfit that looks especially good or has just given a good presentation, don't hold back; compliment them. Everyone enjoys positive feedback.

7. Tell your spouse, family member, or friend how much you appreciate them. Just as we enjoy a nice compliment now and then, it improves our mood to know a loved one appreciates us. Quite often, we take those we are closest to for granted.

8. Perform an act of kindness. Do something nice just for the sake of doing it. Help an older adult lift or carry a parcel. Clear the table after a meal if it's different from your routine. Offer to take your neighbor's kids to the park or the show along with yours. It generates and promotes goodwill.

9. Be a better listener. Take the time to listen to another's point of view. Even if you disagree with what they are saying, try to put yourself in their place and understand where they're coming from.

10. Take 10-15 minutes of quiet time. Give yourself a break. You deserve time to reflect and regroup, too. Even a little 15-minute catnap can be surprisingly refreshing and rejuvenating. You'll wake up feeling like you can take on anything!

These 10 habits are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Start small and then work your way up to all ten.

It's the simple things in life that make the biggest difference!